Terms and conditions


I. Definitions

Customer“ means any natural person or corporate entity which fills-in the Provider´s online order form and/or contacts the Provider via email or other communication channels and orders Services from the Provider

Services“ means services rendered by the Provider to the Customer, in particular and depending on the intended country of use of particular document either:

(a) “Apostille service” - facilitating an Apostille in accordance with the Apostille Convention (Hague, 5 October 1961) to be affixed to the original document sent by the Customer to the Provider for the use in countries which are signatories of the Apostille Convention; or

(b) “Legalization service” - facilitating for the following legalizations to be affixed to the original document provided by the Customer to the Provider: (i) legalization issued by the Czech supreme administrative authority (differs by type of document, a ministry in most cases); (ii) legalization issued by the Czech Ministry of Foreign affairs and finally (iii) legalization issued by the Embassy of the country where the document shall be used.

The term “to legalize” is used as a general description of the procedure and includes both of the abovementioned options.

Provider“ means the company Global Documents s.r.o., Business ID. No: 067 76 981, registered office at Vojtěšská 211/6, 110 00 Prague 1, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, File no. C 288721.

Website” means the website of the Provider www.globaldocuments.cz.

Personal Data” is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

II. Terms of service

1. The Apostille service is provided exclusively for the use within the countries which are signatories of the Apostille Convention, by choosing the “country of use” in the request form the customer indicates that the document(s) shall be used within such country and the Provider shall not bear any responsibility for the use outside such country.

2. The Customer shall always provide a scan of the document to be legalized in advance, before sending original of such document to the Provider. This is done to ensure such document can be legalized and to prevent unnecessary expenses.

3. After confirmation by the Provider that such document is eligible for legalization, the Customer shall deliver the original of such document to the Provider on its own expense.

4. The Provider reserves the right to refuse to provide the service, in particular in cases where the intended country of use does not have an embassy in the Czech Republic and is not a signatory to the Apostille Convention.

5. After receiving the original document the Provider shall proceed to facilitate Apostille service or Legalization service (depending on the intended country of use) and once finalized shall send the legalized document back to the Customer at the Provider´s expense by a reputable international courier service.III.

III. Prices and payment

1. All prices stated on the Website are final and non-negotiable, VAT shall be added to the prices where applicable.

2. All payments shall be done without undue delay and the Provider shall not render any Services before a full payment is made.  

3. The Provider shall be entitled to unilaterally set off any counterclaims he may have against the Customer.

4. The Customer shall not be entitled to any refunds, except for cases when no Services have been rendered at all due to the Providers fault. In cases where partial Services were rendered the Provider may decide to refund a pro-rata portion of the price, however such refund is subject to the consideration of the Provider who is not obliged to do so.

5. In cases when the Service cannot be fully provided and finalized due to reasons caused by the Customer´s acts or omissions (i.e. in cases when the Customer fails to provide sufficient cooperation) the Customer shall not be entitled to any refund.

IV. Delivery times, delays

1. The Provider shall render the Services without undue delay, in general any particular step shall be procured by the Provider within 5 business days of receipt of the relevant information and/or document(s) from the Customer or other involved third parties such as local authorities or the relevant embassies.

2. The Customer shall provide any and all documents and/or information which are requested by the Provider and which are necessary for the due provision of Services without undue delay.

3. The Provider shall not be held responsible for any delay which occurs as a result of (i) delay caused by the Customer; (ii) delay caused by the relevant governmental authority (including, but not limited to, the embassies of intended countries of use); or (iii) delay caused by force majeure which is outside of Provider´s sphere of influence.

V. Applicable laws, jurisdiction and changes to the T&C

1. The relations between the Provider and the Customer related to the provision of the Services shall be governed exclusively by the Czech laws.

2. Any disputes between the Provider and the Customer shall be decided by the Czech Courts. However, the Provider is also entitled to initiate legal proceedings in the jurisdiction of Customer´s principal place of business or residency.

3. These terms and conditions may be unilaterally changed at any time, in such case the new version of the terms and conditions shall be available on the Website at least 14 days prior to becoming effective.